Rosehill Secondary College offers a broad curriculum at Years 7 – 9 and an extensive range of units at Year 10. A comprehensive range of VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) units are available at Year 11 and 12 along with the VCE-VM (Victorian Certificate of Education-Vocational Major) at Year 11 and 12.
The individual needs of students are supported by individual timetables, careers counselling, homework assistance, Bridging EAL, Individual Learning Plans (ILP) at Year 7 – 9 and Managed Individual Pathways (MIPS) from Year 10 and English as an Additional Language (EAL) program.
CRICOS code 00861K
Department of Education and Training (DET)
Curriculum Choices
For more information about the curriculum choices at Rosehill, please view our Course Selection Handbooks.
Key Learning Areas
At Rosehill Secondary College, the English faculty offers a comprehensive and engaging course of English to all students in keeping with the Victorian Curriculum Standards, Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning and the Victorian Certificate of Education. We aim to meet the needs of all our students through targetted teaching and intervention. Where possible, the faculty brings the study of texts alive by engaging students in visiting author talks, workshops and live theatre performances. As well as participating in regular English classes, students in Years 7 and 8 undertake studies in Enhanced Literacy which runs twice a week for a semester. Furthermore, in addition to their core English curriculum, from Year 9 onwards students can elect to undertake further enrichment studies in Literature.
At Rosehill Secondary College, the Mathematics team offers an engaging and inclusive course of Mathematics to all of our students.
In years 7 and 8, as well as participating in standard Mathematics classes, students have an additional subject, Enhanced Numeracy. This subject is used to target the Numeracy needs of students and to expand the development of their Numeracy skills as they progress through the school.
To enhance mathematics students the school offers RAMP (Rosehill Accelerated Mathematics Program). Students are recommended for the program by their mathematics teacher. In RAMP, small group of 10 – 15 students are taught advanced mathematics to prepare them for the more advanced VCE mathematics courses.
In year 10 students are recommended for three different mathematical pathways:
- Foundation Mathematics
- General Mathematics
- Advanced Mathematics
These subjects lead seamlessly in to VCE Mathematics.
In year 10 an elective entitled Trigonometry and Calculus is offered to students to help to prepare them for the more advanced VCE mathematics courses.
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are important areas of study for building a sustainable future. In Science at Rosehill we focus on STEM learning where students apply specific knowledge and skills to engaging, real-world situations. Promoting interest, critical investigation skills and science by doing, promotes life-long learning skills which allows all students to succeed, regardless of whether they progress into a STEM field or not.
Below are some photos of Rosehill students engaging in STEM related activities.

The Science department at Rosehill Secondary College offers an engaging, practical-based science curriculum in-line with the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS). Units of work are designed to cater for all learning abilities and integrate literacy, numeracy and ICT tasks. Students participate in Science excursions and incursions at all year levels. The College runs a highly successful Science Week program with students very eager to participate in various science based extra-curricular activities.
Years 7 – 9
Students participate in at least one unit of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth Science per year. Psychology is introduced to the curriculum in Year 9. The units are further outlined below. All units are incremental and build on prior knowledge and understandings. Throughout all units of work, a major emphasis is placed on comprehension of the scientific method and building confidence and skills within the laboratory setting.
Year 10
At Year 10 Students have the opportunity to participate in one of three Science electives:
Robotics- In Robotics, students will engineer and design processes and program robots to solve several set challenges. Students are expected to gain their knowledge and skills whilst working on a variety of projects throughout the semester unit. The use of inductive reasoning will be key to solving set task or challenges.
- Advanced Science- Students are prepared for VCE studies in Biology, Chemistry and Physics studying units such as the Periodic Table, The Laws of Motion, Heredity, Electricity & Motors, Evolution, Chemical Reactions, and Evolution and Features of the Universe. Advanced Science is a prerequisite for taking VCE Sciences.
- Practical Science- Students complete units of work focusing on the everyday application of scientific knowledge. Units of work include: Forensics and The Need for Speed (the physics of moving objects), and Chemical Pathways.
At the VCE level, we offer the following subjects:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Environmental Science
- Physics
- Psychology
The Humanities curriculum at Rosehill Secondary College is designed to provide students with an understanding of the world in which they live. The core Humanities subject that Years 7 to 9 students complete includes History and Geography units with an emphasis on inquiry based learning. As part of these units, students make links between civilisations past and present, investigate different perspectives of History, explore interactions between people and their environments and evaluate the management of these interactions. Students at Years 7, 8 and 9 may also select elective subjects that focus on Economics and Business, or Civics and Citizenship.
Humanities subjects offered as electives at Year 10 are closely aligned to the VCE Humanities subjects, allowing students to pursue subjects that are consistent with their future pathways. VCE subjects that are currently offered in Humanities are Accounting, Business Management, Economics, Geography, History, Legal Studies and Philosophy. Extended Investigation is also offered. This unique subject allows students to carry out an in-depth investigation of an area of interest from any discipline.
Languages subjects are compulsory from Years 7 to 10 at Rosehill Secondary College. Students may choose either Italian or Japanese in Year 7. Both subjects are offered up to Year 12. Topics covered in Languages include simple introductions, sports and leisure, festivals, food and health, housing, shopping, fashion and travelling. Students are encouraged to use Languages in the classroom and develop general conversation skills as well as writing skills. By completion of Year 10, students will be able to write imaginative, personal and informative pieces of writing. Students also enhance their literacy skills and cultural awareness through intercultural knowledge and language awareness activities. Through Languages programs, students will learn and improve their study skills as well as basic ICT skills.
The College’s Physical Education (PE) and Health programs consist of one semester per year of compulsory study for students in Years 7 to 9. These units consist of three 75 minute periods per week; two periods are dedicated to PE and one to Health Education.
The PE component incorporates a number of individual and team sports which aim to develop students’ motor skills and tactical knowledge. Students also participant in activities including peer-teaching, disabled sports and cooperative learning tasks. The aim of these activities is to develop leadership skills, confidence, teamwork and sportsmanship.
Health Education classes are designed around the Australian National Curriculum, covering food and nutrition, relationships and sexuality, mental health, drug education, safety and online behaviour, and the benefits of physical activity. These classes help students develop their social, emotional and mental health. A harm minimization approach is adopted across all classes where issues relevant to young people are investigated and discussed in a manner which is culturally appropriate.
Students also have the opportunity to select one of two Health and PE elective per year. These electives are designed to engage students in activities and sports that interest them. The objective is to encourage lifelong physical activity. The elective subjects offer a variety of experiences such as gymnastics, taekwondo, roller hockey, beach volleyball, trampling, go-karting, fitness classes and fitness training.
In Year 10 students have the option of selecting one of a possible four Health and PE electives. These electives are designed to prepare students for related VCE subjects: Physical Education, Health and Human Development Recreational Pursuits and Outdoor Education and the Environment.
Visual Arts
The aim of the Visual Arts Faculty is to provide students with a comprehensive and versatile program of teaching Art, Visual Communication, Media and ICT. Teachers provide an engaging curriculum and learning environment that focuses on the needs and creative interests of our students.
Students are actively encouraged to achieve at a high level both creatively and academically within all facets of the Visual Arts program, including research, written work and practical workshops.
Excursions are undertaken across year levels to enhance the learning outcomes for students, and expose students to a variety of art forms. These include the NGV, Dax Centre and ACCA.
At Rosehill, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of Visual Art electives, including painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, creative graphics, computer graphics and media studies. We offer a range of introductory units, as well as advanced units for students requiring extension. Studies are offered for one or both semesters in art and media.
Visual Arts students showcase their artwork around the school, specifically during Open Evening where we have a mini exhibition. Our art rooms are constantly filled with a creative hum throughout the year during lunch time and after school.
Every year either a whole school or year twelve art exhibition is showcased, involving the local schools and stakeholders. Our students have been successful in exhibiting their work externally at Top Arts at the NGV and Fireworks at the Incinerator Gallery.
Visual Communication, Media, Art and Studio Arts are all offered at VCE level. Students are welcome to select individual units of study or a mix, according to their individual needs. Our VCE program aims to achieve not only excellent results, but also support students with folio development in preparation for careers in Architecture, Fine Art, Illustration, Communication Design, Multimedia, Environmental Design, Industrial Design and Education.
Performing Arts
During the year the Performing Arts team give the students several opportunities to develop their performance skills. Class work is shared at Dance, Music and Drama showcases throughout the year and students are chosen to perform at Open Evening, Mini Open Days and the Awards Evening. The Music department have several bands rehearsing throughout the year and perform in concert.
Every year either a dance cabaret or a whole school musical is produced, involving up to two hundred students.
Classroom Music
Rosehill Secondary College offers semester based electives in Classroom Music from years 7-10. Students are involved in both the theory and practical components of the subject as well as gaining an insight into the History of Music through a variety of Styles. Performance is fundamental to the Music program and complementing the subject are weekly instrumental lessons from highly professional music instructors. Students participate in an end of semester evening concert to celebrate their musical achievements in both solo and group performances. ICT is incorporated into the music program by using Music programs for compositional works.
Music Performance Units 1 – 4 and Music Investigations are offered to VCE students at Rosehill Secondary College. Students focus on either solo or group performance and spend the two years becoming proficient on their chosen instrument, preparing for their final Unit 4 practical assessments. Students perform in a variety of genres to meet the VCAA requirements as well as review and extend their theory and aural skills from previous years.
At Rosehill Secondary College students are given the opportunity to study a range of Technology subjects in accordance with both the Victorian Essential Learning Standards and the VCE.
All Technology units involve experiential, practical and applied knowledge as well as theoretical understanding. Students design, create and evaluate processes, products and technological systems using a range of materials as a way of developing creativity and innovation. Students develop skills in managing and manipulating materials and resources using a range of tools, equipment and machines to make functional physical products or systems. Students are encouraged to be independent and creative problem-solvers, as individuals and as members of a team.
Learning in the Technology key learning area is often structured around ‘design briefs’. These provide students with real life and lifelike problem solving situations to which they can respond.
Assessment & Reporting
At Rosehill, teachers report regularly to parents and students on student progress and achievement. Interim reports providing an indication of academic progress and student work habits are prepared each term and full written reports are provided at the end of each semester for Years 7-10 and at the end of VCE Units 1, 2 and 3. Parents and students (Years 7-11) can view results for specific learning tasks in each of their subjects via their Compass portal. In addition, Rosehill provides two opportunities for parents to meet with teachers to discuss student progress during parent-teacher conferences at the end of Term 1 and during Term 3 each year.
At Years 7-10, assessment of student learning achievement is based on the Victorian Curriculum F-10 Standards. Learning outcomes are organised into levels, which correspond to year levels of schooling. A student who is working ‘at expected level’ should attain the following VICVELS levels as they progress from Year 7 to Year 10:
VICVELS Level 7 – End of Year 7
VICVELS Level 8 – End of Year 8
VICVELS Level 9 – End of Year 9
VICVELS Level 10 – End of Year 10
Additionally, students are assessed on school assessed coursework (SACs) completed in each subject, using the grade scale A+ – N. School assessed coursework includes end-of-semester exams at Year 9 (for CORE subjects only) and Year 10 (all subjects).
Grading scale used at Years 7-10:
- A+ 90% – 100%
- A 80% – 89%
- B+ 75% – 79%
- B 70% – 74%
- C+ 65% – 69%
- C 60% – 64%
- D+ 55% – 59%
- D 50% – 54%
- N Below 50%
- DNP– Not Assessed due to reasons identified by the College
Extensions for submission of work at Years 7-10
As is the case in VCE, a student requiring an extension for a piece of work must observe a formal process.
Students who realise before the due date that they will not be able to complete a work requirement need to:
1. Inform the subject teacher
2. Request an extension from the teacher
No more than two extensions will be permitted per unit and the extension may not be requested on the day the work is due.
An extension will normally be for a 2-3 day period, however this may be varied in exceptional circumstances.
Special arrangements are available for students who have been unable to complete a SAC due to prolonged illness or exceptional circumstances known to the College.
At Year 11, assessment of student learning is based on the achievement of Outcomes identified in the subject Study Design, in accordance with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). Students will be assessed by their teacher as having satisfactorily demonstrated Outcomes (S) or not having demonstrated Outcomes (N). To satisfactorily complete a VCE Unit, the student must satisfactorily demonstrate ALL outcomes for the Unit.
Additionally, students are assessed on their level of achievement in school assessed coursework (SACs) completed in each Unit, using the grade scale A+ – UG. SACs are set by the teacher(s) responsible for each subject and include the mid-year and end-of-year exam.
Grading scale used at Year 11:
- A+ 90% – 100%
- A 80% – 89%
- B+ 75% – 79%
- B 70% – 74%
- C+ 65% – 69%
- C 60% – 64%
- D+ 55% – 59%
- D 50% – 54%
- E+ 45% – 49%
- E 40% – 44%
- UG Ungraded – below 40%
- DNP– Not Assessed due to reasons identified by the College
At Year 12, assessment of student learning is based on the achievement of Outcomes identified in the subject Study Design, in accordance with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). Students will be assessed by their teacher as having satisfactorily demonstrated Outcomes (S) or not having demonstrated Outcomes (N). To satisfactorily complete a VCE Unit, the student must satisfactorily demonstrate ALL outcomes for the Unit.
At Year 12, teachers report on the student’s achievement of Outcomes (S or N) and work habits. No other assessment (grades) is permitted to be reported by the school.
At Rosehill, teachers report regularly to parents and students on student progress and achievement. Interim reports providing an indication of academic progress and student work habits are prepared each term and full written reports are provided at the end of Units 1, 2 and 3.
At Year 11 and 12, VCAL students are reported against competencies and are assessed as either Competent (C) or Not Competent (NYC). To satisfactorily complete a VCAL Unit, the student must achieve Competent (C) for all Learning Outcomes of the Unit. .