Principal's Report

Welcome to 2025!

A warm welcome to all our families, students and parents for the 2025 school year. A special mention to all the new students who have commenced at Rosehill this year, particularly to our Year 7 students who have experienced a significant milestone in their educational journey - starting secondary school - congratulations! I look forward to working with you and your families in helping you become well-rounded citizens of the 21st Century. Rosehill not only offers a high-quality academic education, but we are a school that provides great support through all stages of adolescence development, complemented by wonderful extracurricular opportunities. I encourage all students take up such prospects to help make their time with us as beneficial as possible.


I officially welcome and introduce our new staff.

  • Abuacan, Abigail Commerce/Humanities
  • Barker, Hannah Mental Health Practitioner (MHP)
  • Coker, Fraser Learning Support
  • Glover, Em Visual Arts
  • Gregor, Eve Maths/Science
  • Hasan, Rahme Student Wellbeing Leader
  • Hsu, Winley Science/Maths
  • Kavanagh, Alexandra Biology/Psychology
  • Love, Jerome Science/Maths
  • Lu, Carmen Science/Maths
  • Moriarty, Faye Food Technology/Textiles
  • Murton, Lucy Maths/Science/PE
  • Peel-Fowler, Raphael English/IT
  • Petrovic, Sonya Product Design
  • Santi, Andrea English/Humanities Y9 Coordinator
  • Santucci, Alyssa Health/PE
  • Scanlon, Adam Humanities, Leading Teacher -Teaching and Learning
  • Sosa, Zuleyma Learning Support
  • Tran Kim, Maths
  • Watt, Makayla Maths
  • Yamada, Yuika Japanese/EAL
  • Zorbas, Eleni Commerce/Humanities

Induction Programs

It has been a very positive start to the school year and the induction programs have been well received. They offer very clear and precise information of our school values and high expectations of what it is to be a student at Rosehill Secondary College. The calm and orderly manner with which our students have commenced the 2025 school year is strongly aligned to our purpose.

Our School Vision

At Rosehill Secondary College the learner and learning outcomes are central.

Our students are inspired to achieve success through stimulating and positive learning environments, and innovative and diverse teaching strategies.

This is complemented by respect, co-operation and commitment by all members of the college community.

New skills, new knowledge and new understandings will give our learners the confidence to face the future.

Our Vision is underpinned by the college values. They are: Respect, Initiative and Learning (RIL)

The two key goals for the year are:

Goal 1 To maximise the learning growth of every student.

Goal 2 Empower students to actively take responsibility and ownership of their learning and wellbeing.

School Diary

All students in the college are encouraged to have a school diary. These are available from College Reception for $15 and are an important item. A critical element of success at school, and in life, is the ability to be well organised. A school diary is a vital tool for helping children plan and organise their day, week, and term. The Rosehill diary is specifically designed and planned for our school and provides valuable information such as our school rules, expectations, classroom exit logs and great study tips. Congratulations to Craig Dsouza for winning the best design competition.

Year 12 Camp

It was terrific to see the staff and students building a strong rapport and having fun on the Year 12 camp at Phillip Island last week. These are wonderful opportunities to build cohesion and set goals for the year ahead. I was impressed with the trivia night organised by our student leaders. The talk by the local police around road trauma and safe driving was very compelling and very pertinent with many of our senior cohort soon to be road users for the first time. Well done to the Year 12 VCE team for organising such a terrific and well organised camp.

Key Personnel for 2025 are listed below.

Principal – Arthur Soumalias

Assistant Principal Senior School – Lena Hudson

Assistant Principal Middle School – Julian Connors

Assistant Principal Junior School – Frances Snow

Assistant Principal – School Operations (Timetable, Daily Organisation, Data) – Brad Ross

Senior School Leader – Fiona Morabito

Middle School Leader – Alexander Vincent

Junior School Leader – Ben Derks

Teaching and Learning – Adam Scanlon

Student Agency – Colleen Hart

English Leader – Danielle Beechey

Mathematics Leader – Andy Patch

Inclusion Leader – Holly Beasley

Learning Specialist Literacy – Katarina Ivas

Learning Specialist Enhancement – Stephanie Wasif

Learning Specialist Teacher Development – Melissa Chapman

Learning Specialist Learning Support – Sophie Bevinetto

Learning Specialist Science Leader – Ann Anderson

Heads of Faculty

Head of Languages – Joe Bertoli

Head of Visual Art – Heather Davies

Head of Health and Physical Education - Gab Sarpa

Head of Performing Arts – Melissa Bonett

Head of Technology – Annette Therik

Head of Humanities – Nellie Harboured

Year 9 Interdisciplinary – Jerome Love

Year 10 Interdisciplinary – Billy Liberidis

Numeracy Coordinator – Lucy Murton

EAL Coordinator – Dimitra Adam

Student Management Team

Senior School Leader – Fiona Morabito

Year 12 Coordinator – Cassandra Imbriano

Year 12 Assistant Coordinator – Leesa Wilson

Year 11 Coordinator – Daniel Wallace

Year 11 Assistant Coordinator – John Tetradis

Middle School Leader – Alexander Vincent

Year 10 Coordinator – Robert Findlay

Year 10 Assistant Coordinator – Kyra Fennell

Year 9 Coordinator – Andrea Santi

Year 9 Assistant Coordinator – Nichole Lee

Junior School Leader – Ben Derks

Year 8 Coordinators – Bethany Allen/Ben Derks

Year 7 Coordinator – Janti Kumar

Year 7 Assistant Coordinator – Mitchell Waugh

CLASS of 2024

Congratulations to the Year 12 class of 2024 on successfully achieving entrance into the following Tertiary Institutions. We are proud of your efforts and wish you the best of success.

  • RMIT – 41%
  • La Trobe University – 12%
  • Victoria University – 20%
  • The University of Melbourne – 7%
  • Swinburne University – 4%
  • Monash University – 4%
  • ACU – 4%
  • Australian College of the Arts – 2%
  • JCM Academy – 2%
  • Deakin University – 1%
  • Charles Stuart University – 1%
  • Melbourne Polytechnic – 1%
  • Academy of Interactive Technology – 1%

Arthur Soumalias



School Policies have been updated in line with Department of Education and Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements. Parents may review these on the school website Our School > Policies > Minimum Standards Compliance – June 2022.


Monday 17th FebruaryClose of Nominations
Friday 21st FebruaryPhoto Catch Up Day - includes sibling photos
Monday 24th FebruarySchool Council Meeting
Friday 7th MarchSwimming Carnival


School Council Election Information

Year 12 Camp

Last Wednesday the Year 12 Students kicked off their year with a three-day, two-night adventure at Phillip Island Adventure Resort. The students participated in a range of activities during the day, including archery, the giant swing, bushman’s breakfast, the twin flying fox, a beach walk, the pool, raft making and team rescue. During their free time, students explored the camp – using the basketball and volleyball courts, playing board games in the function room, competing in table tennis, and jumping in the pool.

On the first night, the Year 12 students visited Phillip Island’s famous Penguin Parade, home to the world’s largest little penguin colony. They watched as the penguins emerged from the waves and waddled up the beach to their burrows. After walking along the viewing platforms, many students took the opportunity to buy a souvenir to commemorate this cute experience.

The second night was filled with competitive spirit as students played trivia in their cabin groups. The questions, created by the Year 12 student leadership team, tested both students and teachers’ knowledge of the school, celebrities, popular movies, food, science, and sports. The top three cabins were awarded a box of Favourites chocolate, and students spent the rest of the night playing games or watching a movie.

On Friday, the final day of camp, students attended a road safety seminar presented by two local Police officers. Hearing about a tragic accident that occurred on Phillip Island made students more aware of their driving habits and reinforced the dangers of mixing alcohol with driving. The Year 12 students then took part in a scavenger hunt, revisiting locations from their activities to tick off each stop. The final challenge proved tricky, as students had to win a table tennis match against Rosehill’s principal Mr Soumalias.

The camp concluded with a special send-off for Mr Murone, who returned from leave just to see students off on their last camp as Rosehill Secondary College Students. After enjoying lunch, the Year 12 students boarded the bus for the two-hour ride home, reflecting on their unforgettable experience. Tired but happy, they were ready for a weekend of rest before tackling their final year with renewed energy.

Delcine Li


Art News

Congratulations to Codie Carter whose work, 'A Feast of Flesh and Fruit,' (2024) has been successfully accepted into the 2024 Top Arts Exhibition at the NGV.

Top Arts is a prestigious exhibition that strives to showcase the best of VCE Art Creative Practice and VCE Art Making and Exhibiting work. The NGV receives over 1400 applications, with only 50 artworks accepted in the final selection.

Over the next few months Codie's work will be exhibited at the NGV Ian Potter Centre, Federation Square. Codie's work and profile will be available to view on the NGV website and she will be involved in a number of promotional events - a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the amazing work of Government schools and Visual Arts programs in our region.

Entry to the gallery is free, so come along and show your support!

Heather Davies


A Feast of Flesh and Fruit is a still life created in the tradition of the Dutch Golden Age, featuring an unsettling and visually polarizing selection of ‘food.’ Papaya, oranges, grapes and passionfruit are artfully arranged, alongside animal organs, blurring the lines between nourishment and the visceral effect of food.

Ornate lace and reflective glassware contrast with the ‘grotesque,’ and asks the viewer to question what is beautiful? Initial admiration of colour and textures, soon turn to shock and disgust.The artwork challenges our perceptions of beauty, and highlights the similarities between the delicate and uncomfortable intersection between life and death.

Codie Carter

Digital Photograph

Rosehill Secondary College


Dear Parents/Caregivers,

If you have a current Health Care Card or Pension Card, you may be eligible for the Camps/Sport/Excursions Fund (CSEF) payment. This funding can be used towards excursions, camps and sporting activities that run throughout the year at Rosehill.

If you applied for CSEF in 2024, and are a current student, you do not need to complete an application form unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

You will only need to submit a new application form in 2025 if any of the following changes occurred:

  • New student enrolments
  • Change in family circumstances.

Schools can accept and process applications up until the end of term two each year. CSEF payments are made to schools from March onwards.

Application forms are available via the department’s website, at the general office or below. Please complete and return this form to us along with a copy of your valid concession card.

Applications for 2025 will close on 1 July 2025.

Levena Hayes


After-School Tuition Programme

This whole-school tuition program provides students with consistent academic support every Wednesday afternoon, ensuring they receive the assistance needed to complete their homework and classwork effectively.

Proven to be highly successful, this enhancement and enrichment initiative supports students of all year levels in strengthening their literacy and numeracy skills while refining their study techniques in preparation for assessments and exams.

This program is easily accessible to students, has no cost incurred, and is effective in improving study skills, results, and the confidence in students to work independently.

We encourage all students to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to develop their skills and achieve their best!

When: Wednesdays, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Where: A3

For further information regarding this enhancement program please contact Ms Sharma on 9337 2488 or email:

Home Group Program

At Rosehill Secondary College our mission for Home Group is to develop group practices which strengthen student engagement and wellbeing, establish a positive climate for learning and provide a consistent structure for students.

At Rosehill we recognise that students’ wellbeing is the basis for their academic and personal success. The purpose of Home Group is to create a classroom community, and a space where students can build important connections with peers, and with their HG teacher, while also learning important life, social and study skills. It is a safe, inclusive and respectful space that prioritises wellbeing and respectful relationships, and fosters positive learning habits and skills to strengthen academic achievement.

In 2023 and 2024 our whole staff completed professional development in the Berry Street Model of Education which enables schools to support students’ self-regulation, relationships and wellbeing to increase student engagement and significantly improve academic achievement.

In Years 7-10, Home Group is like a learning family, a small group of classmates that students can rely on for help, encouragement and collaboration. Home Group is also a space where students can build friendships, learn to appreciate other students’ perspectives, and feel a strong sense of belonging in the classroom.

In Years 11-12, Home Group is focused on fostering rigorous study habits, developing resilience and mindset, and developing social and life skills relating to wellbeing, healthy relationships and the ongoing transition to young adulthood.

The Home Group Program has a three-fold purpose:

  • to support student mental health and wellbeing by promoting positive and respectful relationships in a supportive classroom environment
  • to support academic learning by promoting positive study skills and learner agency
  • to develop important life, work and social skills

Home Group teachers play a crucial role in helping students to develop personal learning, wellbeing strategies and study skills. Research demonstrates that positive teacher-student relationships improve student wellbeing, focus, participation, and overall academic performance, so by building meaningful and supportive relationships with students HG teachers foster a sense of belonging and trust, encouraging students to explore new ideas and to share their own views and perspectives, and students are empowered to learn, grow and succeed.

The table below outlines the themes and outcomes for each year level in 2025.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Whole Year Focus


Becoming a part of the Rosehill community


Developing persistence


Developing empathy


Developing intention

Resilience & Mindset

Developing resilience & mindset

Resilience & Mindset

Developing resilience & mindset

By the end of Year 7 we want all students to view themselves as valued members of our Rosehill school community who confidently demonstrate our values in their daily interactions with peers, teachers and the broader community.

By the end of Year 8 we want all students to demonstrate the persistence necessary to experience a sense of command over their learning and wellbeing and be able to manage setbacks within a supportive classroom


By the end of Year 9 we want all students to demonstrate empathy and create and maintain positive relationships with peers, teachers, and the broader community.

By the end of Year 10 we want all students to demonstrate the skills necessary to achieve in their chosen post-compulsory pathway and act with agency.

By the end of Year 11 we want all students to demonstrate a sense of control over their wellbeing and an understanding of the skills required to manage stress and life beyond school.

By the end of Year 12 we want all students to demonstrate a sense of control over their wellbeing and an understanding of the skills required to manage stress and life beyond school.

Colleen Hart



Student Leadership

Applications for 2025 Student Leaders went out to existing students at the end of 2024. There were many excellent applicants who expressed interest; explaining the reasons why they want to lead change here at Rosehill.

All successful applicants for student leadership will be invited to participate in a Student Leadership planning day on-site on Wednesday 19th February. During this time, students will demonstrate initiative by planning ideas, activities, and events to improve the Rosehill school community. It is an opportunity for discussion, collaboration and reflection on what is important to the students of Rosehill. Plans for this day will form the basis of many of the leadership activities we participate in in 2025.

The Student Leaders are the representative voice of the student community. If any student (in any Year level) has an idea for change, we encourage them to speak with any of the leaders below who can share their concerns at a leadership meeting. Below is a list of successful applicants at each Year level that can support students with any ideas.

Year 12

School Captains - Delcine Li & Hugo Bliss

Vice Captains - Thomas Hince & Jaspreet Kingra

VCE-VM Captain - Ailah Grimmond

International Students Captain – Dat Luong

Student Voice Captain – Madison Hunter

Events Captain – Arianit Fazliu

Year 11

Trinity BellRemus De LeonAmishi GuptaAlexandra Homatopoulos
Ally LambKeira McGrillen-MannixJacob OttoneOlivia Scifo
Praveen Srinivasan

Year 10

Athens AbasoloGorja BhardwajChantelle CaligiuriSkye Calleja
Talia CeltekAudrey CookFrankie FortunaChihiro Fujio
Leyla HamitBilly HammondNalha HarveyAlannah Ho
Hayden LuongChalee LoftRomy MeilenbrockBonita Perez
Mikayla RobertsonAdrian SajjadiLeanne TranLauren Vu

Year 9

Harley BarnesMason BeeckDylan BlackKlarisa Cicolli
Clare DevasiaJemma HorvatChloe KennedyAlexandar Manev
Ryan NortonHunter O’ConnorJacob PeckSpencer Szuveges
Jayden Tuddenham

Year 8

Thutuni AmarasiriJames AtiehGypsy BerketaJacob Danaher
Daniel D’AgostinoIsabelle DonyCraig DsouzaWinona D’Souza
Alessia FortunaJemima HoweRishi KothiLuke Mendoza
Caitlin NoakesSubhagya PokhriyalSethumlee RatnayakeJai Samuels
Gabrielle SkiadopoulosCooper StentAudrey StubbsAurora Tahitahi

Application forms for the Year 7 Student Leaders are currently available on Compass. The successful Year 7 Student Leadership applicants will join this group for the upcoming Leadership Planning Day.

David Rose


Newsletter, Issue One -2025 - 10 Feb 2025