Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
We congratulate all students on successfully navigating and completing what has no doubt been a challenging year. We are so pleased to have been able to run classes on-site this term, as this has allowed us the opportunity to reconnect and re-establish the routines and habits that makes Rosehill such a successful school.
I wish you and your family a safe, healthy and happy end of year break and I look toward 2022 with hope and positivity, as there are many exciting projects about to commence at our College. Although there may be some short-term disruptions we understand and appreciate that these are necessary to provide the latest facilities and infrastructure to facilitate the next phase of our improvement journey. Please take moment to view the proposed new building on our website.

If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a very Merry Christmas.
On behalf of all the staff at Rosehill Secondary College we thank you for your support, well wishes and commitment to the college throughout the year.
We wish our Year 12 students the best of luck, results were received on Thursday 16th December and I remind you that key personnel will be available at the college to support the Year 12 students with course preference changes should they be required on Friday 17th December, 9am – 12pm and on Monday 20th December from 9am – 2pm. We are extremely proud of this cohort with a large number of students achieving exceptional VCE results with ATARs in the high nineties.
On Monday night it was terrific to see our Year 12 students and parents attend the Graduation ceremony at San Remo Ballroom. All students looked spectacular, dressed in their best, and it was a proud moment and a bookend for the students, teachers and parents to celebrate 13 years of schooling. I would like to acknowledge the work of Ms Morabito and Ms Singleton for making this event possible, and Ms Kelly and Ms Catoggio in administration for managing all the details behind the scenes.
On Tuesday night the Awards Presentation was conducted face to face with parents able to attend and witness the academic success of their children. A big congratulations to all students who received an award, well done; your resilience and commitment to academic excellence is well earned. I would like to mention the effort required to run this event this year with all the additional requirements. A very big thank you to Gladys Mora for the clockwork organisation, timing and management of the Awards night. Special mention to Brooke Gualtieri, Stephanie Wasif and the school band and instrumental music staff for their support and performances during proceedings. I would also like to acknowledge all our special guests for their support and sponsorship, in particular Community Bendigo Bank East Keilor, ADF, Ampol, Chemist Warehouse, Coughlan Motors, Essendon Lions Club, RMIT, Insight Publications, Kwong Lee Dow, Sam Pennisi, Roger Smith, Shane Jacobson and Sunbury Coaches.
To the families of Year 12 students and all other families who are leaving Rosehill, we wish you the best of luck on your new adventure. Keep up the hard work and success will follow. We hope your time with us at Rosehill has been a positive experience.
We have a number of staff either retiring or moving to new schools next year, so we take a moment to wish them all the very best for the next chapter in their journey. Thank you for your contribution to Rosehill over the year(s).
- Mr Benedetti
- Mr Furneaux
- Mr Houghton
- Mr Madden
- Mr Marks
- Mr Martens
- Mr Tadros
- Ms Vida
Ms Hayes and Ms Liakakos are taking a year of leave to pursue personal interests.
A number of new staff join us next year, we welcome, Mr Campbell, Ms Riquelme, Mr Rose, Mr Billett, Mr De Cata, Ms Prior and Ms Allen, including new tutors, who will join our team to help targeted students by providing differentiated support in literacy and numeracy across all year levels.
Finally, as we head into the summer holidays and we spend more and more time with friends and family and enjoy trips to the bay and away, I take this opportunity to remind our community the benefit of some summer reading. Encourage your child to take their novel on the long drive, you too can do some reading on the beach while working on your tan. What book are you reading now? I strongly recommend The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith.
Stay safe,
Arthur Soumalias