As we transition into semester two, please check the new timetable for changes over the holiday period. I take this opportunity to remind our families that we expect all students to be in correct uniform. If, on the rare occasion your child is not able to be in the correct attire, then a note written and signed by the parent/guardian should be provided.
It has been pleasing to see our Year 10 students able to attend work experience during this final week of term. This is a valuable opportunity to experience the workforce and for many of our students this may well be their first experience in a work environment. It never surprises me to see many children successfully secure part time/casual work from such an opportunity. Well done to the Careers team, to families and in particular to the students for adapting to this year’s demands.
I can now confirm that the GAT has been re-scheduled for Thursday 29th July, Week 3 of Term 3. The GAT is a vitally important element in ensuring assessment consistency across the state and can play an important role in maximising students’ VCE results.
Attached you will find a letter from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) regarding the VCE and VCAL reform due to commence in 2023. This will have an impact on our current Year 10 students. Please take the time to read the information provided carefully. Further advice and information will be communicated during our subject selection information sessions next term. VCE VCAL reform
We have been meeting with the architects and the VSBA on a weekly basis this term and can report that we are making good progress on the initial plans and designs of the new buildings. It is an exciting time to be at Rosehill Secondary College and although there will be some disruption in the short term, once our new facilities are finalised the disruptions will be a distant memory.
Finally, I would like to thank the staff at Rosehill for their tremendous work throughout this challenging term. Their commitment to education, collegiality and ability to problem solve has been vital in ensuring the teaching and learning programs continued with minimum deviation from the planned program. This hard work and strong commitment to ensuring positive outcomes for students has now been officially recognised by the Department of Education (DET) with a Bronze certificate awarded to our College for implementing the essential features of Tier 1 School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) with fidelity in 2020. The official certificate is signed by the Deputy Secretary of Schools.

Arthur Soumalias