A warm welcome to all our families, students, staff, and parents, both new and returning for the 2024 school year.
It is a great privilege and honour to be the Principal of this College, and I look forward to working with our school community to continue to build on the strong reputation that Rosehill Secondary College has established over many years. Our pursuit of continuous improvement whilst providing an outstanding education for all our students is paramount to our purpose.
The school year has commenced exceptionally well, and it has been pleasing to see the calm and orderly manner with which our students’ have embraced the expectation of the school year.
I officially welcome and introduce our new and returning staff in:
- Robert Findlay Legal Studies/English - Year 9 Coordinator
- Kyra Fennell Science/Mathematics - Y10 Assistant Coordinator
- Daniel Ralston - Mathematics/Science
- Emily Fazzari - Legal/Humanities/Psychology/Science
- Sarah Mostyn - Textiles/Visual Arts/Food Technology
- Arvinder Grewal - Commerce/Humanities
- Makayla Sutton - English/Science
- Chen Kang - Science/Mathematics
- Venkata Aluri - Mathematics/Science
- Jemina Kolber - English/Media
- Peter Robertson - EAL/English
- Shane Breen - Facilities
- Michelle Francis - Attendance
- Natalie Pola - Library
- Charmaine Camilleri - AFL Trainee
We wish our new staff the best for the year ahead and look forward to having them settle seamlessly into our school system.
Welcome back from family leave to Stephanie Barbaro Psychology/Maths and Renee Marcuzzi Visual Arts. Levena Hayes in Accounts Receivable also returns after a short sabbatical.
Our School Vision
At Rosehill Secondary College the learner and learning outcomes are central.
Our students are inspired to achieve success through stimulating and positive learning environments, and innovative and diverse teaching strategies.
This is complemented by respect, co-operation, and commitment from all members of the college community.
New skills, new knowledge and new understandings will give our learners the confidence to face the future.
Our Vision is underpinned by the college values. They are - Respect, Initiative and Learning (RIL)
The two (2) key goals for the year are:
- Goal 1 To maximise the learning growth of every student.
- Goal 2 Empower students to actively take responsibility and ownership of their learning and wellbeing.
The initial focus for Term 1 has been on using some of the learnings from the Day 1 Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) training, to establish whole school Consistent Predictable Routines (CPR) in every class, every day. This involves simple tasks such as lining up outside each classroom in an orderly manner, consistently engaging with our pedagogical model GANAG, providing a brain break during each lesson and ensuring the lesson goal is re-visited at the end of each lesson.
We continue to provide outstanding opportunities for all students. We have funded and provided enrichment programs for our students. Our mathematics team will again offer RAMP to highly capable mathematics students. Our English enhancement program REAP will target students demonstrating high aptitude in Literacy. Both programs complement our long-standing accelerated STEP program at Years 7-9. Please contact Ms Wasif for further information regarding any of our enrichment programs.
In addition, the college has been able to staff and plan for significant tutoring support across the year. Literacy and Numeracy tutors will work with students and classes identified as needing some additional assistance to succeed. Ms Bevinetto is responsible for overseeing this program and uses data from NAPLAN, PAT testing, and teacher judgments to make decisions on target groups and cohorts.
College Diary/Planner
All students in the college are encouraged to have a school diary/planner. These are available from Reception for $15 and are an important item for all. A critical element of success at school, and in life, is the ability to be well organised. The school planner is a vital tool for helping children plan and organise their day, week, and term. The Rosehill diary is specifically designed and planned for our school and provides valuable information such as our school rules/policies, expectations, classroom exit logs and great study tips. The front cover of our diary was designed by the winner of our competition last year, Hugo Bliss.

Year 12 Camp
Last week I was fortunate to attend the Year 12 camp for one night. It was terrific to see the staff and students building a strong rapport and I can report that our students received numerous compliments from all and sundry on their attitude, behaviour, and conduct. The staff at the surf club were impressed; the staff at the Penguin Parade provided positive comments to our teachers as did the staff at A Maze ‘n’ Things and the Chocolate Factory. The school value of Respect was evident during camp. Well done Year 12 class of 2024 - keep up the great start.
Key Personnel for 2024 are listed below.
Principal – Arthur Soumalias
Assistant Principal Senior School – Lena Hudson
Assistant Principal Middle School – Julian Connors
Assistant Principal Junior School – Frances Snow
Senior School Leader – Daniel Wallace
Middle School Leader – Alexander Vincent
Junior School Leader – Suzanne Riquelme
Excellence in Teaching and Learning – Melissa Chapman
Student Agency and Leadership – Colleen Hart
Timetable and Operations – Madelynne Herbert
English Leader – Sirocha Bruckard
Mathematics Leader – Andy Patch
Learning Specialist Instructional Leader and Data – Bradley Ross
Learning Specialist Literacy – Katarina Ivas
Learning Specialist Enhancement – Stephanie Wasif
Learning Specialist Learning Support – Sophie Bevinetto
Learning Specialist Science Leader – Ann Anderson
Heads of Faculty
Head of Languages – Taka Hayakawa
Head of Visual Art – Heather Davies
Head of Health and Physical Education – Gab Sarpa
Head of Performing Arts – Melissa Bonett
Head of Technology– Annette Therik
Head of Humanities – Nellie Harbourd
Year 9 Interdisciplinary – Vince Murone
Year 10 Interdisciplinary – Bill Liberidis
Numeracy Coordinator – John Tetradis
EAL Coordinator – Jane Geerling
Student Management Team
Senior School Leader – Daniel Wallace
Year 12 Coordinator – Cassandra Lo Giudice
Year 12 Assistant Coordinator – Leesa Wilson
Year 11 Coordinator – Fiona Morabito
Year 11 Assistant Coordinator – Rachel Cerchiara
Middle School Leader – Alexander Vincent
Year 10 Coordinator – Bethany Allen
Year 10 Assistant Coordinator – Kyra Fennell
Year 9 Coordinator – Robert Findlay
Year 9 Assistant Coordinator – Nichole Lee
Junior School Leader – Suzanne Riquelme
Year 8 Coordinator – David Rose
Year 8 Assistant Coordinator – Mitchell Waugh
Year 7 Coordinator – Ben Derks
Year 7 Assistant Coordinator – Janti Kumar
Class of 2023
Congratulations to the Year 12 class of 2023 on successfully achieving entrance into the following Tertiary Institutions:
- RMIT – 27%
- La Trobe University – 23%
- Victoria University – 22%
- Monash University – 9%
- The University of Melbourne – 8%
- ACU – 7%
- Deakin University – 3%
- Torrens University – 1%
We are certain your parents and family are very proud of your achievements. Best wishes on this next phase of your educational journey.
School Council Elections 2024
Process for School Council Elections has commenced.
There are three parent member vacancies.
Please refer to the School Council section in this newsletter for further information.
Visitors to the School
A reminder as part of our responsibility to Child Safe Standards, all visitors to the school, including parents, must report to the Administration area, present a valid Working with Childrens Check, sign in and obtain a visitors pass. Please refer to the Visitors Policy on the school’s website.
Arthur Soumalias