Interim reports are available on COMPASS, and this is the final opportunity for parents and students to take stock of their progress this term prior to the final semester reports and lead up to exams for students in Years 9-11. As always, I encourage parents to discuss results with their children and focus on elements which they can influence, such as effort, homework, behaviour, and attendance. If these factors are high, academic results will follow.
Year 12
Many of our Year 12 students have just commenced their VCE exams. We wish them all the best and urge them to continue to work hard until the final minute. To the students who are seeking pathways that do not require exams, well done and we encourage them to make use of our wonderful careers team at any stage, especially if additional support is required to secure a pathway.
Year 9 City Experience
Year 9 City experience runs next week. We thank Ms Aquilina for all her work in organising and planning this terrific opportunity. A big thank you to all the ID teachers and the staff who are attending to ensure students have a safe and positive experience in the Melbourne CBD.
Mobile Phones
A reminder that mobile phones and similar equipment are not permitted during the school day or during after school supervision sessions such as detentions and SACs. These devices will be confiscated and will be securely stored until an adult can collect them. They will not be returned to the child. Your support in helping your child focus and better concentrate during the day is very much appreciated.
Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Last week all teaching staff attended our PLC celebration meeting. This was a culmination of eight sessions of work, since mid-Term 3, and the focus of this work was based around the FISO 2.0 improvement cycle.
It was pleasing to see the passion and enthusiasm our staff demonstrate in producing evidence-based work, resources, and activities to help improve their pedagogy and in turn our student outcomes. Well done to all involved and to Ms Chapman for leading us through another PLC cycle.

Student Focus Groups
As part of our planning for 2024 there have been several student focus groups conducted in recent weeks. These are important in helping us better understand our data and unpack the information so we can make changes to continue our improvement journey. Thank you to students for their contribution and open and honest feedback.
I would like to welcome two new staff members who join us until the end of the year. Mr Julian Maes will be covering some of Mr Murone’s mathematics and Mr Copping’s science classes. Ms Makayla Sutton is covering Ms Gorgis’ classes. We are very fortunate to have two terrific young teachers join us at this stage of the year.
World Teacher Day
Finally, if you have a moment, please take the time to thank a teacher. Friday 27th October is World Teacher’s Day. An expression of appreciation can go a long way.
Arthur Soumalias