The first 4 weeks of term have come and gone, and the midpoint of this term is upon us!
Consistent Predicable Routines (CPR)
I can report that we have had a terrific start to the year, and it is pleasing to see so many well organised and committed students. As mentioned previously there is a strong focus on Consistent Predictable Routines (CPR) in every class, every day. On Tuesday, 27th February, all staff will be involved in Day 2 of the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM). We look forward to incorporating our new learnings into our daily practice.
Mobile Phone Policy
I remind parents of our mobile phone policy which can be found on our website. Phones and EarPods and similar devices are to be stored away during school hours. Thank you for your support.
The importance of attending school every day cannot be emphasised enough. It is not okay to be away! A hot day is not an excuse to stay home - the school has refrigerated cooling in every room and students are permitted to bring their water bottle to class.

Homework Programs
The college has several after school homework programs available. These sessions are supervised with teaching staff, and they are provided to support your children. Please use this resource if you think your child could benefit from some additional structured homework time.
Student Leadership Day
Last week I was invited to attend the Student Leadership Day. Leaders from Year 7 to 10 presented their recommendations to me at the end of the day. I was suitably impressed with the thought and consideration given to the ideas generated and presented and I have no doubt that we will be able to deliver on many of these suggestions over the course of this year. Well done to all the student leaders, Ms Hart and all the staff who helped facilitate this terrific day.
Swimming Carnival
Next Friday, 1st March is our swimming carnival. This is an important day in our school calendar, and we look forward to seeing all students attending and participating on the day. There are many activities on offer, so even less capable swimmers can earn points for their house by taking part in non-swimming games and events. All students must travel to the venue by bus. Any student who wishes to be dismissed from the venue at the end of the day must present a signed note, from their parent/guardian, by Monday afternoon, February 26.
International Student Barbeque
On Friday, 9th February we had a terrific barbeque for our international students to celebrate the Chinese New Year - the year of the Dragon! I was well prepared (see below) and spent a good few hours cooking a variety of meats for a very hungry bunch! Thank you to Ms Li and Ms Shan in organising the event.

School Council Elections
The process for the School Council Elections has now been completed. Thank you to the parents, staff and students who nominated and will be part of the new School Council. The first meeting will be held on Monday 25th March 2024.
Facilities Update
- Gym/ECA
As many would be aware, there has been a significant amount of building works occurring throughout the college.
- The Gym has had a significant upgrade to the foyer, toilets and changerooms. This work is now complete, and we hope to be using this new space next week.

In addition, the Gym roof is being replaced. This work started in early January but due to unforeseen delays is still in progress. It is slow, complex, and difficult work with the roofers having only a harness to keep them secure. We anticipate the completion of the roof by early March. I thank the Health and PE staff for their patience during this time.
- Music Room – H1
The old music room, H1, has also just had its roof replaced this week. This space is no longer our music room but will be used as a classroom in the short term.
- Portable Classrooms
Most portables and relocatables have had new windows installed, new tactile landings replaced, and handrails have been freshly painted.
- Performing Arts Centre
The new Performing Art Centre is partially complete, and we have been teaching in this space from Day 1. The Auditorium is now also finished, and we are awaiting the final Occupancy Certificate prior to full handover. We are very excited about this new building and our performing arts team can’t wait to start using it daily.

Block A
The final stage of these works involves an upgrade to A Block. The old external cladding has been removed and most of the internals have been guttered. The roof is to be raised and the space to be modernised. The completion time for this work is mid-year. I look forward to seeing this work finished and having access to the entire school and all our facilities in the not-too-distant future. I wish to acknowledge our students and staff for their patience and understanding during the past 18 months.
School Wide Reading Program
Finally, as many parents/guardians are aware we have a school wide reading program which is an important priority for our college. I urge you to promote the love of reading to our children. Discuss books, encourage them to read hard copies of material, and if you can, provide a nice quiet place for them to read and zone out…….
This summer I read several books, both gifts from staff. I found The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt an intriguing read and highlighted the different path one’s life can take in a single moment. The second book I read is a new take on the classic story of Jason and the Argonauts by Tony Whitefield. This is written with the mythology removed and maps the likely journey, and story that occurred thousands of years ago. I had Google maps on standby as I was tracking their journey through the Aegean Sea, The Sea of Marmara (modern day Turkey), through the Bosporus Strait and into the Black Sea and all the way to modern day Georgia. What an epic journey it was!
I have just commenced reading I am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes. This book was recommended by our head of English, Ms Bruckard. I’ll be sure to provide a review upon completion!
Arthur Soumalias