We are just past the midpoint of the term, so this is an opportunity to pause and reflect on how the year has progressed to this point. Sometimes we get caught up in doing that we forget to stop and appreciate all that’s been achieved. What have been the successes for your child?
I take this opportunity to remind parents/guardians that interim reports will be available in Week 8, the week of March 20. This will provide an insight as to how your child has commenced the year and will also serve as a conversation starter for student parent teacher interviews scheduled for April 4. This day will be a hybrid model with onsite face to face interviews during the day and online interviews in the evening. Further details to be provided closer to the day.
NAPLAN testing commences next week for students in Year 7 and 9. All NAPLAN testing is online, and our IT team and staff have been working with students to ensure individual devices are properly set up to enable access to the testing.
On Monday March 6 it was terrific to have the Hon Ben Carroll MP, the Moonee Valley Mayor Cr Pierce Tyson and Deputy Mayor Cr Samantha Byrne attend and support our Year 10 Civic and Citizenship program. They spent a good part of an hour talking to and answering student questions and discussing issues relevant to our community and society. We thank our guests for their valuable time to help provide a better understand the different levels of government in Australia. I also take this opportunity to again acknowledge the ongoing support of our local state member the Hon Ben Carroll. As a key driver of school improvement in our local area Ben has been instrumental in the current redevelopment of our college buildings and school grounds.

This term we have also completed 2 lockdown drills and one evacuation drill as required to order to meet our OH&S requirements. It is pleasing to report that all drills have been successful and have provided useful feedback to further enhance our systems and processes. Thank you to our Assistant Principal who oversees OH& S, Mr Connors, for organising and running these drills.
The swimming carnival was a great success. It is very pleasing to have the entire school at one event. The atmosphere on the day was very positive and so many children had a great day participating in events/activities or simply cheering their friends and house team. I would like to acknowledge Mr Furneaux and Mr Cole who did a tremendous job in organising and coordinating the event.
March 8 was International Women’s Day. We sent a small team of women leaders to a morning breakfast at Moonee Valley Council. Well done to Madalynne Lyons School captain, Maria Sovolos student leader, and our teacher in charge of student engagement, Coleen Hart in representing our college with aplomb.
I am posting the school RIL matrix again and encourage parents/guardians to be familiar with our school values and the behaviours we expect from our community. I encourage you to discuss what these behaviours look like for your child in the different settings. I bring to your attention the ONLINE column and setting. This is a space that is ever changing and following on from our guest speaker, in Suzan Mclean, all parents/guardians need to make it their business to know what our children are doing and how they are behaving in this zone. If you haven’t done so, please access her resources available online https://www.cybersafetysolutions.com.au/top-tips/

Arthur Soumalias